Friday, September 16, 2011

Join us at a new url!

You may have noticed there's a lack of posts around here. We moved over to WordPress and invested in an real url: Check it out, bookmark it and/or add it to your RSS feed/reader. We plan to redirect this URL soon, but that won't capture all of our readers -- and we definitely don't want to lose you!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Follow us to a new URL, please!

Hello, our lovely readers and followers!

You may have noticed it's been a little quiet around these parts lately. One of us has had some pretty big life changes and the other one is kind of lazy. But the big news is that we've decided to move on from Blogger. Our photos are not treated well by its uploading and publishing processing and we're kind of fed up with Google AdSense. (Invalid activity, my foot! To quote a favorite Cusack movie of my youth -- I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS! Or $100... whatever.)

We're still making our new site on WordPress a little more homey, but we've moved our current content over to and we've got some new posts up there. Check it out, bookmark it and/or add it to your RSS feed/reader. We plan to redirect this URL when we're fully operational, but that won't capture all of our readers -- and we definitely don't want to lose you!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Yoshi feels comfort in the familiar.
Today I've been finding him sleeping underneath my old desk.
Change is hard, even for dogs.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday sun

It was a quiet Sunday of coffee, newspapers, writing, movies and a good friend.